Running in Circles

There’s a saying of Lorna’s to describe someone who is acting a little manic:

Acting like a fart in a collander looking for just the right hole to go out of.

And here I thought only Southerners were knew how to stretch things out.

At any rate, what I am trying to say is that it has been a little crazy around here. Lorna’s getting ready to head up Nawth for a week. I’m in not-so-mild discomfort from this crazy weather we are having. I’m getting ready for the convention in Atlanta. And and and and….

Meanwhile, I have managed to write some over the past week. Just over 1.5K but heck, it is good. I’m thinking about the book more and opening the document to either make notes or write a scene. I like this revision. Harri is a little rougher which is what I wanted. She’s not smooth and together like Kelly from BG1. And Liz is not as confident of what she wants as Grace, also from BG1.

I have an editor assigned by RCE. She is Jane Vollbrecht, author of Picture Perfect and several other soon-to-be-released books. We are hoping to sit down together at some point during the convention and discuss BG1.

Oh, my new suitcase came in. I like it! I haven’t checked to see if everything fits, but I surely hope it does. If not, then I need to cut back on the crap I take with me.

From Writertopia