Word Up

Got some writing done today. I blame most of it on Sophia who insisted I word war with her. I did, of course, just to make her happy. I hated every second of it.

Well, okay. She did insist, I didn’t hate it, and I didn’t do it just to make her happy. I did it because I needed the push. Sophia wields a big stick she likes to poke me with.

Anyway, I got over 1K words in. All one scene taking place inside a bar. It was fun to write but I didn’t capture what I was hoping for. And I did far too much telling and not enough showing. Basically I am just writing random scenes to get an idea of where BG3 is going. Toward a Happy Ever After, yeah, but I need to tie up a few loose ends, ya know?

Anyway, thought I’d update y’all.

It is just after 11 and I am about to go to bed. Alien abduction again?