Oh My….

I get most of my info and news and such stuff via RSS feeds.

I checked out the LGBT World Daily News site and came across something, um, interesting.

Fox News anchor Julie Bandaras interviewed first Albert Snyder, father of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder. Cpl. Snyder died in Iraq and his funeral was interrupted by folks from Phelps’ alleged church (the notorious God Hates Fags moron). After interviewing Mr. Snyder, who is suing the other group, she interviewed Shirley Phelps-Roper, one of the leaders of the group who are interrupting funeral services for soldiers all across the US.

Now, seems like just normal news stuff, right? Wrong. Reporter Bandaras loses the stereotypical cool and reservedness that reporters stereotypically have. Oh boy does she lose it.

Julie Bandaras really lets Phelps-Roper have it. She has done her research and is ready. She never really gives the woman a chance to even gain firm ground and attacks from the beginning. If her purpose was to make Phelps-Roper look like a lunatic, it worked. If her purpose was to try and engage in interesting conversation, snort, she failed from the moment she began the interview.

Now, I don’t like Shrub. I don’t like that our soldiers went into a “war” based on lies and ulterior motives. But I do respect our soldiers. They are under-paid, under-supported, and under-fire.

The news article with LGBT World Daily News doesn’t have its own link so I went looking for other references. The article did have a link to another article on WorldNetDaily.com:

Fox News host to guest: ‘You’re going to hell!’
News analyst Julie Banderas attacks anti-homosexual Christian preacher

A discussion about protests by an anti-homosexual church at the funerals of fallen American soldiers turned into an astounding shoutfest on national television this weekend, with Fox News host Julie Banderas calling a fire-and-brimstone Christian preacher “the devil” and apparently condemning her to hell.

“You are the devil!” Banderas exclaimed to Shirley Phelps-Roper. “If you believe in the Bible, miss, you’re going to hell!”

Phelps-Roper, who believes America’s sinful behavior has resulted in God’s cursings rather than blessings, was appearing on “The Big Story” last night to talk about why members of her Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., protest at funerals for slain U.S. troops with slogans such as “Thank God for 9-11,” “Thank God for IEDs (improvised explosive devices),” and “God Hates Fags.”

(link to article)

From there I went to Michelle Malkin’s site which was to have the video. Instead, there was another link to Big Story Weekend on FoxNews and there I finally found a link to the video.

Video of interview

Another link to the video – A Washington Blade article links to the YouTube.com site which has the video.

Other links I found along the way:

Patriot Guard Riders
Julie Bandaras’ bio
Wikipedia: Fred Phelps
Wikipedia article’s “External Links” that support/criticise Phelps


  1. Any chance of another link for that video? The page it links to doesn’t seem to work for me.

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