bookmark_borderMissing: Writer

I’m okay. Just…mentally tired. There’s been a lot going on lately and I think I caught a bed case of “give-a-shititis”. It is closely related to opticalrectalitis and responds to the same treatment.

I’ve not been totally idle though. I’ve been working on the editing of BGCFA which is a load of fun. Not. I’ve been cleaning the living room which is yet even more fun. Not. And I’ve been playing games, which really is more fun. Yep.

The shuttle didn’t take off.

I got two fish yesterday. A goldfish (ye old generic) and a black moor (which is like a black goldfish). Lorna picked out the plant. Haven’t a clue what it is. We have this teeny tiny little tank so two is all it will hold. It didn’t hold the plant upright so we had to lay the plant down. If we get to liking the aquarium gig, we’ll get a larger tank. I’ll need to rig up a battery back up system for the winter though.

Lorna’s been working some outside, moving some rocks and lining them up along one side of the ramp. We hope this will help with drainage and erosion. Once they are in place, she’ll dig a little ditch on that side of the cement “landing” to drain the water away into the rocks.

Can’t think of anything else.