bookmark_borderWoman Prez?

After I did one of their surveys (NPDOR), I cruised over to the main site. This is one of their polls:

So what do you think? Is our nation ready?

One one hand: Heck no! The morons in DC are still arguing about defining the undefinable! You think they’d actually allow a WOMAN to be over them?

On the other hand: Snort. All Nancy Reagan lacked was the title. We can say “Poor Ronald Reagan held off Alzheimer’s until he was out of office. Bull freakin’ poop! Someone was telling him what to say and how to say it and more than likely, he listened to no one but her, bless both their Republican hearts. And did Barbara Bush have her hand up George Bush’s puppet butt? But W has his hand on Laura Bush’s butt. I think a woman couldn’t do much worse than the men we’ve had lately. Why not give it a try just once?

bookmark_borderStill Alive

Yep. We survived the visit from the relatives. We were all exhausted but had a blast! Last year when they were down, it rained the entire week. This time, it only rained in the afternoon.

We went to several places:
Cradle of Forestry
North Carolina Arboretum
Blue Ridge Parkway
Douglas Falls area (the road was closed)

Unfortunately, my wheelchair malfunctioned and I was stuck in a manual chair all week. 😡 This limited what I could do with everyone else.

At the Cradle of Forestry, we went through the center and the kids did a scavenger hunt in the main exhibit. There were a lot of things up some stairs and a cool tunnel, neither of which I could view. I did, however, get out of my chair and go up two steps to “ride” in the fire helicopter. It is a real helicopter–main body only–with a video screen, realistic noises and movement, and a video taken of a real fire survey done in Idaho. The kids (Kevin, Colleen, Ryan, and Kelli) went on a guided hike while Lorna and I chilled out. I could have gone on it if I’d had my power chair. Lorna and I want to go back soon and do both trails.

At the NC Arboretum, we went through the Bonzai Exhibit. Wow! What a treat! We also went through the Quilt Garden although the photo on their site is not what it looks like now. (Colleen sent me a bunch of images from their week here. I’ll upload them soon.) The Information Center is excellent. While we were there, my kid bro saw the Segway tours and was drooling to go. However, they were full so already we have plans for next year! The “kids” went on two of the trails while Lorna and I lounged in the air-conditioned center. They came back soaked in sweat from the hot and humid day!

As always, the Blue Ridge Parkway is a relaxing place to cruise. We used it to go to the Cradle of Forestry. It was raining when we came back by the Pisgah Inn. Colleen wanted to take some photos from there. But even without the rain, the fog was thick. She did get some great photos from the Parkway and I’ll let you know when/where I upload them. We took two vehicles due to the 6 of us and the winding roads. We all fit in their rental car but none of us wanted Colleen to barf. Lorna and I had the kids which was, well, interesting. At our first tunnel, for some reason Ryan decided to scream “We’re gonna die!” which set me and Kelli to screaming too. As soon as we were out of the tunnel, we all stopped at the same time. It was cool! And yes, we did this for every tunnel, all five or six of them. Lorna took over for me because my throat was not working right.

Last year, Lorna desperately wanted to take the kids hiking. This year, she got to. She wanted to take them to Douglas Falls where she and our friend Lori went a few years ago. It is an easy .5 mile trail. However, the road to the parking spot was closed so she and the kids found another trail nearby. They had a blast! While they were there, Kevin, Collen, and I went to the laundromat and then to Blue Mountain Pizza for a leisurely lunch. Less than ten minutes after we ate, Kevin’s cell phone rings. Lorna and the kids are back in Weaverville and want to eat. But Lorna has no cash. So we turned around and joined them at Waffle House.

We also did a lot of sitting around and playing Uno. It is our favorite group game. None of us are overly competitive so it is relaxing too! Last year when it rained so much, we played a LOT of Uno.

I wish they were still here. I love those four. Ryan and Kelli were wired to the max and wore the four adults out each day. We missed them though, after we got a few days of sleep.


The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for… They are written, as with a sun beam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” – Alexander Hamilton, 1775

This was on the envelope from Soulforce. They were promoting their 1000-watt march, vigil, and concert in Colorado Springs, July 22, 2006.

Wish we could be there.

bookmark_borderFamily Is Everything

My brother and his family–Kevin, wife Colleen, kids Ryan (the karate kid) and Kelli (the princess karate kid)–arrived Sunday. Then Lorna made it home late last night. Right now they are all at a ball game while I take my chair in to the shop to get fixed.

At any rate, I love my brother and his family. We are having a blast so far! I will try to keep everyone updated but you can bet I’ll not get much writing or editing done (don’t tell Jane!).

Kev and I had a venting and ranting spell last night as we bitched about Shrub Jr. That was fun! I like that he has the same opinions I do.

bookmark_bordervs Mainstream

A writer friend (on-line friend, that is) is on vacation in Montana. While there, she got to see a performance by comedienne Karen Williams. Something the comedienne said fits in with lesbian writing as well as comedy:

“I’m asked all the time why I do lesbian comedy. Why don’t I do the mainstream? Because it is not excellent enough. When the mainstream is as excellent as lesbians, I’ll think about it.”

bookmark_borderOver It

Whatever “IT” was, I seem to be ready to face the world again.

Did anyone other than Winston notice I wasn’t here?

I’m going to work on the edits for BGCFA before Jane hunts me down. With my brother and his family coming here the 9th, I’d like to get the first 45 pages done and sent to her.

Lorna’s heading up Nawth again. When she was up the last time, an aunt died but they put off the memorial until the 8th. So she leaves Thursday night and returns Sunday or Monday.


What light through yonder window breaks…
Old Man Snyder’s gonna be mad
‘Cause the moon done went and broke his window.
He tol’ it not to be shooting moonbeams
That close to the house.
But it did and now look.


Two little fishies in the tank
Two little fishies.
Take one out
Bury it in the toilet
One little fishy in the tank.


My country ’tis of thee
Ruled by a Shrub
Who would be a tree
Of him I bitch.