
Most days I don’t have the television on during the day. Even in the afternoons, we only have it on a few hours each day.

But sometimes, like if I need a cover noise or I am needing distractions, I’ll turn it on. Usually that means Animal Planet. Today I saw one of my favorite shows, Backyard Habitat. They were setting up a backyard to attract the yellow tiger swallowtail and the ruby throat hummingbird.

A few weeks ago, Joella and I were wandering the yard and a big shadow got my attention. I looked up to see this huge yellow butterfly. That thing had to be a good 6″ across. Lorna said it was a tiger swallowtail. So, with today’s show reminding me, I decided to look it up.

First, of course, I went to Wikipedia. While no result for “tiger swallowtail” came up, I went to “butterflies“. In the external links. From there I went to Butterflies and Moths of North America. And that is where I hit pay dirt (whatever that means).

At this website, you can do a keyword search for specific butterfly species. Or, better yet, do a map search. I narrowed it down to North Carolina, then to Buncombe County. Cool.

I have a scene in Simple Sarah where she is trapped in a landslide and befriends this beetle while she awaits rescue. I’m keeping the beetle, but I am thinking that a butterfly chrysalis opening where she can see it would be interesting for the character. The website gives me a chance to look up a similar part of the U.S. and ensure I get the time of year right as well as the process. Since she comes out of the experience as a different, or at least further evolved, person, the butterfly thing will help tremendously.

Way freakin’ cool. I love it when I get ideas like this. It’s like a charge to my creative self.


  1. As far as I know, it came from the mining industry. You’re digging away, and then you hit the pay dirt, the dirt that contains the valuable metals you’re really after.

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