NaNo Day 22

Wowzers! I am caught up! Whoo Hoo!

I have done 3798 new words tonight for a total of 36750!

clip of a screenshot showing my goals
full screenshot

The above image is a section of the screenshot of my spreadsheet. What it says in the left column:
– what day into NaNo it is (Nov. 22nd)
– what goal to be reached each day (50K / 30 days of Nov.)
– what is the final goal (50K)
– what the count should be based on day multiplied by daily goal (22*1666.67)

The column on the right is:
– daily average [amount so far (36750) divided by where I should be (36666.67)]
– percent complete (amount so far divided by final goal)
– how far away from final goal (amount so far minus final goal)
– how far away from daily goal (amount so far minus where I should be)
– how much I need to do for the remain days (30-22) in order to reach final goal

I love numbers and statistics. Have you noticed?