NaNo Day 26

is going fairly well. Slow, though. So far tonight I have 1952 new words.

BG4 was originally supposed to be two couples (two sisters and their new loves) in one book. It didn’t seem as though either couple had enough of their own to carry their own book. Problem was, as I wrote it, it seemed far too complicated to keep track of four main characters. Then, one of the main characters just kinda fizzled out. I didn’t like her. At all. So she was dropped as a love interest.

Now, I am wrapping up the relationship that is left and…the book is not even novella size. My NaNo currently is at 45011, but about 9500 or so is going to get lopped off. I have several scenes that stink and will be cut once NaNo is over. I have other scenes written in preparation that will be fit in, however. But it won’t be anywhere near the minimum of 80K the book needs to be.

Back to plan A. There is a possibility for a love interest for the one sister. It is a stretch and will come in late in the book, unless I move things around. I’m thinking about doing it to see how it feels. Can’t hurt and it counts toward the NaNoWriMo goal, right? Right.

Meanwhile, the MC’s of BG2 and BG3 are kinda pissed. They want to know why their stories were so rudely set aside. Good question.I’m itching to get back to work on BG3 especially. December is going to be a busy month.

(Oh, and I saw Mobis today! He seems to be doing just fine. I figure if he’s alive after 24hrs, he’s going to make it. If you haven’t a clue what I am talking about, scroll down to see the immediately preceding post or click here for it.)