NaNo Day 27

…was a classic example of why sometimes it just doesn’t pay to chew through the ropes.

Even though I use a wheelchair, I do walk short distances when necessary, such as when feeding the dogs. It is chaotic enough without me and my big chair being in the middle of it. Saturday I went in to help Lorna with feeding the monsters their dinner. One of the “floaties” in my right knee decided to float over and get in the way of something else in there. This meant that every time I tried to put weight on the leg, it was like an ice pick jabbing me in the knee. Ouch. I flexed the knee and eventually the floatie moved enough so that I could get back to the living room. Ha. As I left the kitchen, one of the dogs made me swerve and I came down on the knee kinda sideways. Ouch. Made it to the living room, put some ice on it, put it up on a pillow, and that was that.

Sunday, the knee was not much better. I did get some writing done, though.

Today, the knee is much better but still painful to the touch. But by 11, I was smacked with a migraine. My lunch of PBJ threatened to revisit. I went to bed.

My headache is mostly gone now but I can’t see very well and can’t hold my head up for very long. This makes seeing the keyboard rather difficult. Duh.

So, no writing today. Not much of anything today.