Current Project

I have decided to work on Simple Sarah (SS), part one of The Trilogy. So far, I have pounded out words on it every day, which feels good. The story feels good too.

Right now, though, I am off on a tangent. I am letting it run in that direction in order to further develop the characters, at least in my head. Also, it may actually work out in the long run.

The best definition I have read about which genre a book falls into, is this: What do you want the reader to walk away with?

I want the reader to feel that this book is a fantasy. The problem is, the relationship of the main characters plays an important role and I keep feeling like I am teetering on a thin line.

In the Valdemar books, in Magics Pawn, the relationship between Vanyel and Tylendel is very important. Yet, it is not a romance. In Magic’s Price, the relationship between Vanyel and Stefan is again very important. And again, it is not a romance.

That is how I want these books to be. The relationships are very important. Now, to just find the balance between fantasy and romance.

Oh, and in the sidebar, up at the top, is the word count meter for SS. The date below it is when I last updated the count.