Moms and Blogs

Would I write and say here what I already do if I knew my mother read this?


Mom and I have a good relationship. It hasn’t always been. We went through the stereotypical mother-daughter love-hate thing. But we survived and came out on this end the better for it.

I mention this because Mom asked me the other day just what is this “blogging thing”. She was under the impression it is a bunch of whiny assed political freaks. Well, yeah, but there’s more than that. Then she asked if I blogged. Yes, I said. She wanted to know why I would reveal my inner most thoughts for the whole world to read!? I said because.

I first started “blogging” back in December or November of ’03. Then it was just an html page with tables as layout. Then I came across WordPress and have been with it ever since. Back then, I was blogging about my progress as a writer. I tossed in some Real Life stuff every once in a while but for the most part, it was only about writing. Now, it is about snails, politics, lesbianism, writing, and everything inbetween and after.

Why do I blog? I dunno. It is more than a journal. It is more than a bragging post. It is more than a soap box. In a way, it is my way to feel in touch with the rest of the world.