Writing Despite It All

I’m still writing some on Simple Sarah a little bit each day. One day, it was just under 400 words. Yesterday it was just under 2000. Lorna and I were running errands and while we were lunching at Wendy’s, we discussed the plot and some scenes. That always helps since it gets it out of my head where I can “see” it.

I am still using the laptop, although now it is connected to the desktop’s monitor, this huge honkin’ old CRT. Every once in a while, it will spazz a little–shrink in or out a few millimeters–and will make me feel like I am stoned. It is also smaller than my monitor and further away so I had to adjust the settings so everything was big enough to read. Ugh. Scrolling is for the birds.

Since the monitor is so far away, I am not able to write as much at once. My eyes get so tired they ache. It seems as though every time I get on a roll, something goes wrong. Like my hands break down or the keyboard goes on strike.

I will be home with Lorna until Tuesday so perhaps not much writing until then.