
Yesterday, I, the night owl of all night owls, went to bed before 10 pm. Then I slept, with only one interruption, until 11 am today. And after only being awake perhaps two hours, I slept another two hours on the couch.

When I was a kid, I slept through all the childhood illnesses. When I had chickenpox, I slept for three days. Mom would make me go to the bathroom and sip broth, but I never woke up enough for me to remember it. The only way I knew I was sick was I’d wake up wearing my “sick” shirt. It was one of my dad’s undershirts that my mom had crocheted a blue collar on it. It was a huge shirt on little me (yes, I was little once). Since I had chronic tonsillitis, I wore that shirt a lot. When I went to college and HAD to stay awake, I was miserable!

Yesterday, Lorna took herself to the doc and while she was gone, I started getting sick. We think I had another bout of diverticulitis. Whoopie. The anti-hurling pill worked, though. (fenegren?) It can make me very drowsy so it added to my sleep time. I’ve only eaten some pudding, crackers, coke, and lots of water. Once things calm down, I’ll start eating again. The idea of food is really rather blechy to me still.

Add to it the rattle in my chest–leftover from an asthma attack a few days ago–and I don’t feel good. Luckily, Lorna is today now that she has meds again.

The other posts I wrote today? I slept between each one, sitting here in my chair. I finally gave up and that’s when I went to the couch. I was freezing so when Sam got up and lay on top of me, I didn’t mind. Jo wrapped herself around my feet.

Yesterday I only wrote 646 words and I’ve not looked to see if they are good words. Probably not since I don’t remember any of it. I hope to get some more done tonight. If not, tomorrow while Lorna is at work. She stayed home again today to let her body settle down.