Various Updates

Some author-y stuff:

My bio over at Regal Crest has been updated. I like this version better.

Butch Girls Can Fix Anything (BGCFA) is on Regal Crest’s best seller’s list. (I heard a rumor it is the best seller for Jan. and Feb.) BGCFA has gotten two reviews, one thumbs-down and one thumbs-up, over at Amazon.

My publisher is chomping at the bit (better a bit than my ass!) for another book.

Irony lives: I had changed and hated the plot (of BG2) a year ago and I still hate it.

Some Real Life stuff:

We have three goldfish now – Sumo, Kiko, and Sake. They are in a 25 gallon tank and loving the space.

My friend Lew isn’t doing so well with chemo.

All our critters (6 dogs, 3 cats, 3 fish, umpteen snails) are doing well. No more fights.

My voice is back; my cough is still around; my nose is clear; my ears still hurt; the nausea has decreased; and I am still on those horse choking anti-biotics.

Lorna had an MRI done to see what was causing the pain and tingling in her neck and hands. Arthritis in her lower neck, the nurse said. PT to start soon. We were sure it was going to be worse.