All Hail Thee!

We went out to run errands and the sky was looking ominous. Black, active, nasty looking. You know, ominous.

We came across wet road at a few points but didn’t meet rain until about two miles or less away from home. The truck was beaten senseless by the hail stones and Lorna and I were shouting at each other to be heard.

Normally, we would have pulled over and waited it out except we had the dogs outside, several of which are terrified of storms. So we pushed on.

We crested the final hill, about a half mile from the house, and started down…and the sky cleared. No rain. No hail. But good golly Miss Molly! The ditches were running over with water, there was debris everywhere. And then we saw the sides of the road was white with hail.

We live in a low spot on the hill/mountain. It is literally uphill in all directions. As we approached that, we realized there was a thick pile of hail across the two lane paved road. It had to be at least ankle deep in the middle and deeper on the sides. We pulled up to the house and this is what we saw.

And the hail in the road, about a half hour later:

By the way, the dogs were relatively fine. Sam, the young’un, keeps going out and eating hail, coming back in soaking wet and muddy. Again. And again. PopCorn and Sparky are still twitchy. Maggie was the only one dry. Even she had to have heard that hail on the tin roof. Joella is velcro puppy. Oh, and Casey is just fine. She could care less. The goldfish (Sumo, Sake, and Kiko) just wanted food. The cats that were outside demanded to be let in and the cat that was inside wanted out then wanted back in immediately!

Anyway, the storm was gone and it’s not rained since. We’ve had a very dry winter and needed the rain. Just not all at once! I see blue sky and wonderfully huge and white thunderheads from where I sit.