Contact with the ISS

As a ham radio operator, and as the curious entity that I am, I follow the progress/news about the International Space Station (ISS). Amateur radio clubs regular host on-the-air conversations between school kids and the astronauts on board the ISS.

Recently, a few such conversations took place and recordings of them are available. I think that’s awesome! Imagine being a kid in elementary school and getting to talk to someone out in space! Way freakin’ cool.

ARRL article about the contacts

CLICK HERE to listen to the ARISS contact between ISS Flight Engineer Suni Williams, KD5PLB, and youngsters at Boulder Hill Elementary School. [10:02, MP3] ARRL thanks the Fox River Radio League for making this audio clip available.

CLICK HERE to listen to the ARISS contact between ISS Expedition 14 Commander Mike Alegria, KE5GTK, and students at Mission Viejo High School. [8:15, MP3] ARRL thanks the University of California — Irvine Amateur Radio Club for making this audio clip available.

ARISS – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station

While on the subject of the ISS, I’d like to point you to another set of articles. These are about the need for funds for the Columbus Module that, hopefully, will be attached to the ISS later this year.

ARISS-EU info page
ARRL news article