Vista poll

The main page for the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has a poll that is changed every other week or so, sometimes sooner.

This was the poll, and its results, from one in March:

Are they “happy” with their current version or are they just not eager to upgrade just yet? That’d be my vote. I guess ARRL with its prestige couldn’t put anything negative about M$ such as “Are you freakin’ nuts?” as a poll option.


  1. That “happy with current version” category could just as well been called “No, not ready to swim with sharks, leap off tall buildings, run nekkid across 8 lanes of high speed traffic, or endanger my life and the life of my system with Vista.”

    Winston’s Law of System Evolution: Never jump on the first release or edition of anything.

  2. ‘Specially if it is by Microsoft.

    Bless their hearts, they need new beta testers. Folks who know what testing means.

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