Weather Results

The recent cold snap did some major damage to the flora around here.

This was Lorna’s Japanese Painted Fern on April 2nd:

This was it after the frost and snow:

This was another fern’s poor little curly-cue thingies:

Even the apple mint got burnt, something that I don’t think I’ve seen.

Next to it is my poor Bridal Wreath shrub. I hope it survives.

My daylililies/daffodils/iris section looks flattened.

Surprisingly, the hosta seemed to have survived. But most of them have darker tops. Some lost some outer leaves but I wonder how much of that is from the hail storm.

Another surprise was the amount of damage to the “wild strawberries”. I’d have thought nothing could kill those things.

The bamboo is still alive, dangit. But I wonder if the red on this new-ish one is from the cold? The other, slightly older one seems to be browner and have some burnt spots.