Where Have I Been?

Here. Some there but mostly here.

I’ve been hit hard by migraines followed by seasonal allergies. Just as the headaches stopped, the nose stopped up.

I wish the two were related ’cause then I could stop the headaches. But nope. The headaches are because I have the silly habit of turning my head. Mustn’t do that.

I have been doing some writing. Not much. Maybe a couple hundred a day. Mostly on BG3. My heart’s not in it though. I’m considering editing Simple Sarah and sending it to my publisher. She can decide what to do with it but at least I will have done what my heart wants. You know?

I leave in a week for the Golden Crown Literary Society’s convention. I’m excited about that! I am on a panel again this year as well as going with other authors with my publisher to a book signing gig. I’ll also be doing some book signings at the Convention. The schedule is fairly packed this year. Lorna will be going too so I’ll have her to keep me going.

Speaking of the panel, I realized that THE Lee Lynch is also on the panel. THE Lee Lynch! OHMYOHMYGHOD! Fan girl moment. As a lesbian, and now a lesbian who writes lesbian books, the very concept of meeting one of the greatest lesbian writers is just, well, OHMYGHOD! THE Lee Lynch has written a lot of books. All of them are quite literary and way cool to read. The Swashbuckler, Dusty’s Queen of Hearts Diner, Toothpick House, and perhaps my fave, Home in Your Hands. The recently released Sweet Creek shows she’s still got what it takes.

Where was I? Oh, right, convention. Lorna will be able to go with me this year so it will be funner for me. We probably won’t take Joella, though. Her, um, gaseous eruptions are getting worse. During our recent Vacation from Heck, we also realized how much time we spend trying to get her to eat and do her business. It’s one thing to have a dog that farts but to have a dog that farts while her stomach growls loud enough to be heard across the room is just too much.