Life, Leisure, and Limits

I’ve said numerous times, here and elsewhere, that the world revolves around priorities. What is more important than something else at any given moment.

Life and Limits

Friend of mine is dying. Well, technically we all are, but Lew really is. The time line from the doc is “many months to a couple of years“. Narrows it down. It is frustrating that he and Elena are so many hours away. Right at the edge of the “easy day drive” limit, you know?

Lew and Elena’s priorities are way different than mine. Yours are different from the person next to you. Etc etc. It is what makes the world go ’round, that difference, that constant changing.

Life and Leisure

I have critters around me, some furred, some finned, some…shelled? I have three goldfish and a bunch of snails. I have Malaysian Trumpet snails (Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculatus), Red Ramshorns (Planorbidae), and “Mystery”/Apple snails (Pomacea pomacea bridgesii and Viviparus malleatus). One of the mystery snails, Crash, has laid two clutches (egg groups). Bridgesii lay their eggs above the water line so they are easy to find, observe, and/or remove. Her first clutch should be hatching soon. The other has a while to go yet.

I have so much fun watching the snails and the fish. Their priorities are much different than mine. Theirs are simple: eat, sleep, have sex, explore, then forget what we just did so that we can do it again as if for the first time.

Leisure and Limits

My body won’t do what I want it to. I want to do some things and it says “Ha.” Actually, it uses more complicated verbiage than that but I can’t repeat it here. Yeah, the colorful metaphors are quite rough. Lew’s body is tired from the chemo and the other stuff it has had to go through. Elena’s body is arguing with her, too, although I’m sure its language is a little cleaner than mine. She’s more sophisticated than me so I would assume her body is too.

We are getting ready to go to Atlanta for the GCLS conference. We are also planning how to not spend the money we don’t have. Meals are going to be the biggest outflow of cash. Lorna wants to take milk and cereal. Eh, I guess.


Elena’s Blog about Lew’s cancer
Elena’s “About”

My aquatic website
Aquatic Photo Gallery
All about apple snails

Golden Crown Literary Society
GCLS ConSchedule