
I keep forgetting to mention this. I upload weather related images to One of my more recent ones got an Approver’s Choice Award! How cool is that?

You can find all my weather images on their site. Below is the winning image.

The above image is taken from this one:

This was after one heckuva hail storm a few days ago. The sun had come back out and the temp difference made some pea-soup thick fog. When the sun started to set, the trees and bamboo just framed it right.

Some of the hail storm:

4pm (that’s not rain, that’s hail coming down; the dark things are ripped up leaves)

Afterwards: (the light-colored patches in the road is piles of hail)

My poor hosta! First the late snow, then the hard frosts, now this.

The other end of our road:


  1. Now, that is nice! Is that the way you shot it, or did it take some enhancing? Doesn’t matter, it is spectacular either way!

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