Time Flies

It’s been a year and a half since BGCFA sold. What have I done since then, writing wise? Diddlysquat.

I am quite motivated recently, though, and have been writing. Cutting and pasteing is a better term for it but writing sounds better. I’m working on BG3 (tentatively called Butch Girls and Stereotypes) and I hope to get it done soon. I totally missed my personal deadline but Real Life had the damn nerve to intrude.

Simple Sarah has been beta read by two intelligent women who, while they say the absolutely loved it, think it ended in a very stupid place. We were supposed to meet for a baseball game and I’d get the manuscript back (they printed it out and used two different colored pens) but, again, Real Life happened.

I wrote an essay for possible submission to an anthology titled Women. Period. (An Anthology of Women Writing for and About Menstruation; Edited by Parneshia Jones, Jo Ruby, Elizabeth Slade and Julia Watts) I like how it turned out and need to show it to Lorna for her okeedokee before I bother to edit it.

I also have an essay of sorts and some recipes (yes, food recipes) that has been accepted for an upcoming book titled Butch Cook Book. THE Lee Lynch is the author/editor/whatever of it. If everything goes as planned, they will also be using some lines from BGCFA, which I think is cool. I don’t know the progress of the book and the fer shurness of my inclusion in it. Either way, just to be accepted by THE Lee Lynch (and the other womyn working on the book with her) is a big ego boost.