Twelve Steps, Part Two

I’ve not gotten much done, at least not anything to take a photo of. Went through the mail, though. Found a $10.57 “rewards” card from Office Depot that is only good for a few more days. I tossed a lot, really. Put more in the “to-be-filed” box which is still full ’cause of that “to-be” part.

Professionalism is important in any job, even one where you sit at home and never see anyone. It is not just physical, tangible things like cleaning off a desk. It is a mind-set, too. I need to see myself as a professional, not someone who writes for a hobby. I will never get rich writing in the niche market. I accept that fact and don’t have that much of a problem with it. My friend Jill Myles will probably get paid more in the advance for her debut novel than I will ever get for all the books I write. I accept that fact. Mainstream publishing/writing is a cut-throat market with a LOT of competition.

I need to sit here with the idea that I am going to write something, anything, everyday. I’m considering starting back up the freewriting exercises again. Or perhaps a journal of sorts but not use any dates. (Else I get depressed when I see its been umpteen days/months since I last wrote in it.) By writing each day, I keep writing in the forefront of my mind. It starts to get more weight on the priority list.