Editing and Writing

I am busy editing SS based on the notes from my wonderful beta readers.

And today I am going to jump feet first back in to BG3 and finish it, dammit.

I got bins to start the filing and am managing to keep the desk relatively free of clutter. Each evening or morning, I clean it off from the accumulated crap. Mt. Dew bottle(s), styrofoam from a box, a new box of pens, paper towel roll, empty bag of corn chips…you get the idea. Lorna and I went to Office Depot last yesterday to spend that rewards card I had. We got the bins, the pens, and a few other things. We wandered through the office furniture section. Big mistake. I wish we had the room to have a real desk. Or at least a prettier one. Mine is made from 2×4, brackets (Simpson Strong Ties rock!) and half-inch plywood.

I miss having a true portable computer. My Dell laptop is 4 yrs old this week, bless its heart. I had hoped to have a new one by now but you know how it goes.