Slow Progress

But at least it is progress.

I am working on BG3, tentatively titled Butch Girls and Stereotypes. Tentative is the key word here.

Actually, this is what the title will look like on the cover, if I have any say in the matter.

At any rate, I am closing in on 60K with a 90K goal. I’d like to go over that top mark to leave room for editing. We’ll see.

I am also editing “Simple Sarah”, book one of the Trilogy, and tentatively called The Blessed. Editing it is easy since the beta readers (mucho thankso to D and R!!) did such a great job of reading, editing, and commenting. I’m only about half-way with that and adding a lot as I go.

So I am working. I am trying to be a professional. I am still working on the Twelve Step program. I take 15 minutes each day and do filing in an attempt to clean up my work area (aka The Living Room). Lorna helped some yesterday but today was too busy reading. She’s been reading Jaqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Chosen. She read Kushiel’s Dart last week and is in love with the writer.