Deaf Awareness Week

From CripHumor:

Once again Jest-A-Day provides us w/a reason to laugh… We learn it is “Deaf Awareness Week” ~ DAW is the last full week, Sunday through Saturday, of this September! It’s in commemoration of the first World Congress of the Deaf held that week in 1951. Thanks for that info [Jest-A-Day Journal – ]

A logger went to cut down a tree. He used his ax a few times, yelled “timber,” and the tree fell. Then chopped for a while on a second tree, yelled “timber,” and that tree fell as well. He went through the same process with a third tree, but the third tree wouldn’t fall over. So he tried a chain saw, and then explosives, finally he called in a “Tree Doctor.” The doctor checked out the tree, thought about what to do for a minute then finger-spelled “T-I-M-B-E-R.” The third tree finally fell down. The doctor explained to the lumberjack that this particular tree was Deaf.
[Thanks to Dr Bill Vicars ~ BTW, He collects deaf jokes, HoH [Hard of Hearing] and American Sign Language jokes. Have any? Send ’em to [email protected] ]

Question: What language do pigs speak?
Answer: Swine language.

Question: What language do porcupines speak?
Answer: Spine language.

Question: What language do billboards speak?
Answer: sign language

[from the Crip Humor ~ By and For the Severely Euphemized archives at ]
Hard of Hearing…
Two women run into each other outside an exclusive department store. The first woman is carrying lots of packages and it’s clear she’s been power shopping.

Woman One:
“Sweetie, I don’t know why we haven’t seen you around the club lately. I ran into your doctor and he said he told you to diet and exercise.”

Woman Two:
“Really?! Well, bless your heart for telling me. I sure thought he said, “Buy it and accessorize!”