Goings On

Now that the headaches have eased (I’m nervous to actually say they are gone), I have been busy writing and doing the little things I haven’t been able to do.

I’ve mentioned a few times but I thought I would mention it again ’cause, well, I want to. I have several aquariums. Currently, I have four.

  • 2.5 gallon is horribly overstocked with Pomecea bridgesii (brigs) snails and blond juvenile Marisa cornuarietis (marisa) snails.
  • 10 gallon has Neocaridina denticulata sinensis (red cherry) shrimp; Planorbidae sp. (red ramshorn) snails; and Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculatus (trumpet) snails. Oh, and loads of planaria I can’t get rid of. This is my “planted tank”.
  • 10 gallon has the male brigs, striped juvenile marisas, and Viviparus malleatus (trapdoor) snails as well as 3 Loricariidae Ancistrus sp. (bristlenose) catfish.
  • 25 gallon has three goldfish (an Oranda, a Ruyinkin, and a Shubunkin) and two adult Bristlenose.

In a little bin on top the filter on the 2.5 gallon tank are some itty bitty baby Pomecea canaliculata (cana) snails and some itty bitty baby marisas.

In a few days or so, I will be getting a huge honkin’ 150 gallon tank that will house the fish in either the whole tank or about half of it.

Except for the snails, I get almost all my fish stuff at Asheville Aquarium. They’re cool folk who know their stuff.

The little 2.5 gallon tank sits here on the desk next to me. All the female brigs and the un-genderized juvenile brigs are in there so I get to watch them all day (and night). They are so funny to watch! I never thought I would like snails but I actually do. With the big tank about to get picked up, I’ll be able to move them out of there and put the itty bitty babies in it. I’ll get to watch them grow.

Humor is important to me. It keeps me sane(ish). My fish and snails make me laugh. They don’t bark when it is time to eat, they don’t leave fur on my pants and shirt, and they don’t pee in the kitchen because it is raining outside. (sigh) They don’t hog the bed or bark at the slightest sound imagined or real.

So I’ve been messing with them. I’ve been writing. I’ve been reading. Just finished a book (fantasy) called The Prince of Shadows by Curt Benjamin. It is an excellent book and I could not put it down. There’s some weird editing things in it that ticked me off but I think that is normal for most writers when they read someone else’s stuff. Another book I recently read is Paladin of Souls by Bujold. Great book. The language takes some getting used to (very formal) but I got into the swing of it easy enough.

Two things I dislike about many books: can’t find the title because the author’s name is bigger and the back cover is what others say about the book, not a synopsis of the book itself. And recently the quotes on the back aren’t all about the book itself, but other books by the author. Please! I picked up this book for a reason! Don’t give me a better reason to put it down!