How Do I Write Thee…

…let me count the ways.

BGCFA started as a title.

Simple Sarah/The Blessed started as an idea.

Mutts From Wayback started as a joke.

Butch Girls and Stereotypes (aka BG3) was already an idea when something happened to trigger the title.

Currently, I am working on Simple Sarah and BG3. I keep waffling between the two as to which one should get all of my attention. I am doing some light editing and filling in some spaces on Simple Sarah but doing some major changes (again, dammit) to BG3.

All this and trying to avoid moving my head and getting another migraine. I am so freakin’ tired of headaches. I really am.


  1. ok, my thought pattern goes like this…. my brain hurts too much when I have to think about my next writing, book, article, etc. I came across this
    I decided what the heck, what can it hurt. Well, it didn’t and it worked for me. My brain doesn’t hurt as bad anymore, or maybe I’m just getting more sleep.

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