There’s two Es in Asheville

I am not a fan of Ford vehicles so it is fun to be able to add extra glee to pointing out this error.

Somewhere on Biltmore Ave, near Mission Hospital, is a new car dealer named, aptly, Asheville Ford. They have a TV commercial and at several points during the commercial, which airs in prime time such as football games, their website address is listed: That’s right, no middle “e”.

That’s not an unusual thing around here, sadly enough. There’s even a sign up on the Blue Ridge Parkway with the same missing letter. At my first Gay Pride Parade here, there was some dumbass redneck holding a sign that said “Fagots leave Ashville”. He made the front page of the paper, though.

How did someone miss that site address? New business, new site, new commercial – there had to be a lot of people view it before it was released. No one saw that? Come on! I saw it the first time!

Today, during the sad Pittsburgh and Baltimore game, the commercial was on several times. Finally I had Lorna (who was hogging the computer) to look it up, using the bad spelling version, just to see if the dorks actually made that their website address. Kudos for them that they didn’t. But they’ve not bought the misspelled URL, which I think they should. So check out Asheville Ford’s website and tell them not only do Ford vehicles suck gas, but that their dealers need to use better copy editors. And remember, friends don’t let friends drive Fords!