Amazon On Drugs Cont.

Boil previous mess. Add executives, Master of Business Administration holders, and panicking authors. Stir well.

Writers Weekly website has a more link friendly page set up for the escapades. She had to because the news and information just keeps getting weirder.

I keep hoping that this is just an elaborate April Fool’s hoax that has gotten horribly out of hand. If it is, then it isn’t funny so stop it, please.

At any rate, seems as though some publishers are talking about “it” and others are not. Some have said “We ain’t signin’ nothin'” and others have asked for a decorative pen to go with the signing ceremony.

As far as I know, my publisher, Regal Crest Enterprises, has not been contacted by Amazon. It could be they are focusing their attention on the Big Dogs first.

Some of the more enlightening information comes from the comments to the Writers Weekly articles.

Print CEO Blog – “Still No Word from Amazon….”

Wall Street Journal – “Amazon Tightens Grip on Printing

Author Nation forum – “TOPIC: Amazon plus Booksurge? WTF?

There are tons more. Do a Google search or look at the list of them to the right of the Writers Weekly article.

Phew. This recipe stinks.