Music and Air

Ah, two things we humans can’t do without. Really.

Read a study a few weeks ago about how infants, tiny wee newborn to just a month or two old, can actually appreciate music. And appreciate it to the point they are surprised with a missing drumbeat or drastic change in rhythm. As for air, well, just ask my asthmatic bro about how important air is.

We recently got a DVR and we’re loving it. First we had the Motorola Moxi. It promptly went haywire just a few weeks later and the cable company replaced it with another Motorola. I record Ellen every day. We also record Bones, CSI, NCIS, K9 Cops, K-9-to-5, Cities of the Underworld, and a few other similar things.

I love Ellen’s show. Wish there were much less commercials but that’s getting to be the norm anymore. Ellen is funny as heck and very human. And oh so butch! Where was I? Oh, yes, music. Ellen has a singer or musical group on her show every day. Most often it is some big name person that even I know (Beyonce’ is on a lot and Stevie Wonder was on a few weeks ago) but usually it is someone I’ve never heard of before. A while back she had a singer on called Pink, or, rather P!nk. I’d heard of Pink but couldn’t tell you what she sounded like or looked like or anything. Most of the singers/groups Ellen has on her show, I don’t like. I can’t understand (as in hear well enough to know what they are singing) the words. Beyonce’ is sexy as heck but, girlfriend! Learn to enunciate! But I could understand Pink’s words. She’s been on Ellen’s show three times now since I started watching regularly. The other day we were in Best Buy (Lorna needed headphones for her MP3 player) and I got her “Funhouse” CD. Great music. This is the CD put together in response to Pink and her husband splitting so some of the songs are rather harsh

I don’t know if I could yell any louder
How many times have I kicked you out of here?
Or said something insulting?
I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of anything
I can cut you into pieces
When my heart is broken
– from Please Don’t Leave Me

But some of them are downright sigh worthy

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trusted
Just trusted
Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?
– from Glitter in the Air

The girl has a fantastic voice. From the raucous Funhouse to the gentler Crystal Ball to the in-your-face-ness of So What.

I catch myself singing So What a lot.

As for the Air:
Today I went and got a new CPAP mask. I’d been using the ComfortLite 2 for a while now. It’s a decent mask attached to a lousy head gear. A common problem. This time I have a weird contraption called, so some weird reason, the Mirage Liberty. It’s a hybrid kind of mask, part full-face, part nasal pillow. I’m having to sleep more on my back which means my mouth sometimes opens. Then with the allergies I keep experiencing, I often can’t use the ComfortLite ’cause my nose is plugged. I have about 14 days to decide if this mask will work for me or not.

Like any of you care about that. But, So What?


  1. Let’s see, if I remember correctly, my sleep study oh so many years ago said I stopped breathing 68 times an hour, average. So that’s more than once a minute. The average holding time was 15 seconds. The longest was 40 seconds. This meant that, on average, I breathed less than 45 seconds for every minute.

    Yeah, the CPAP is a good thing.

  2. We care. Just what the hell kind of people do you think are reading this blog?

  3. I haven’t a freakin’ clue who reads this damn thing. Most of the time, I am writing for and to myself. Yeah, I’m beyond weird.

    But now I know you are reading it and I’ll have to watch what I blahblah about.

    Oh, and last night, I hated the mask. I’ll use it over the weekend and if I’ve not adjusted by Monday morning, back that thing is going!

  4. “But now I know you are reading it and I’ll have to watch what I blahblah about.”

    If you do that it won’t be fun to read. Keep it real.

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