Site Update 4 (and Final?)

Well, there it is.

I went against my original plan of not using images as background. What do y’all think of them?

The very back is delightfully subtle and makes the rest seem less flat.

The sidebar background I like a lot.

The same image is used for the header and the menu below it. I tried it here, where the posts appear, and just didn’t like it. I used ColorPic (a little program I’ve been using for a very long time) to find a good pixel from the background image. I think it matches nicely. In addition to ColorPic, I also used Notepad2, another program I’ve used for a long time. I like that it has line numbers.

For now, I am also keeping the shed and the iris. I really like the iris. It looks……sensual. The shed is just white trash. That door has been leaning like that for nearly 20yrs. Ain’t fell yet! LOL

So, here it is.

Damn. This means I need to get back to work. Dang it.

Working on Harri’s book. I want to get it finished before I start editing To Sleep. Her book is supposed to be funny. Still waiting for the humor to start. Big Heavy Sigh.


  1. I’ve come here twice and thought I was at the wrong site. That red had been there a very long time.

  2. Okay, now I see the red. To these eyes, it looks like dark rust, about half way between red and brown. After I shut down, I’ll check it out on my monitor.

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