

As we continue to get ready for Lorna to be doped up tomorrow (and be forgetful for at least two days), I actually had a chance to open up BG2b. But that’s all I did. So I thought I would bump this one back up to the top.

  1. Medical – useful when a big bang is needed.
    • A sudden emergency can either pull apart or bring together characters
    • A chronic condition can be/is a constant burden on resources (mental and financial)
  2. Fight – a big disagreement over something that is important to the characters, important enough that each has to question where they are in relationship to the other characters
    • money (!!)
    • time
    • space – personal, real (whose stuff goes where)
    • messiness/cleanliness – sometimes it is the sock or soda can that broke the camel’s back
    • responsibilites (percieved or real) see Roles
  3. Third Party – old flame, The Ex (good or bad), child, etc – each has the ability to interfere and cause a reorder of priorities
  4. Trust/Mistrust – a biggie, especially with new relationships/friendships
  5. Roles – who is and is not in-charge/in-control/leader/follower.
    • In lesbian relationships, this can go further into roles, such as Butch and Femme. It follows the same Who Does What in hetero couples (trust me, this issue is alive and well!)
    • In hetero relationships, The Man can experience problems with not being able to do whatever due to illness or whatever. The Woman can experience problems with either having to do or not being able to do what is perceived as a Man Thing.
    • In friendships, this becomes more subtle as in who picks the movies, the places to meet/eat, topics, and time for each topic
  6. Ownership – not a particular big one but can be if something cannot be in two places at once
  7. Language – some would think this is not a big deal, but it easily can be if the persons involved are from different backgrounds. What means one thing in one region can mean something totally different in another!
  8. Personality – as a non-morning person, I understand that there are some people who have an infliction that reveals itself as cheerfulness before noon.
  9. Mother Nature – nothing like a big storm to cause havoc, right?

That’s all I can think of at the moment.

I need something BIG, you know, like, BIG big. None of the above really fits right now. A couple of things listed can re-occur and become a bigger picture but for now, that’s not strong enough.

Any other ideas? What has or has not worked for you in the past?