Live From Jersey

Greetings and Salutes! I am currently in Mt. Laurel NJ, visiting my family. My mother and step-dad live here in Mt Laurel while my brother, sis-in-law and their two brats live in Riverside. Last night I got to see Kelli get her first belt in karate and see Ryan get a belt promotion (he got a stripe on his belt). He may be eligible for his black belt as early as October but more likely he will wait until April. It was fun to watch them!

Writing – well, its not exactly taking off and flying down the road toward greatness. I try to write at least 500 words a day, even if it is only rambling. I hope to be able to print out and edit SS some more. We shall see.

My word count is awful, not even enough worth updating word count page for. Yawn.
In other Real Life, I got my CPAP adjusted and I believe I am actually sleeping better. It went from 8 to 10. Joella is here with me and has fit in well with my mother’s crazy household. She and my brother’s dog met already too and they played nice. Not much else to say at this point. Sorry!