Never Delete!

I called Lorna today, all depressed and about to hit delete. So, after some long distance counseling, I will not be editing Simple Sarah for right now. I will instead move on to another project. Lorna says that I tend to take the story and totally screw it up when I edit. She is right, I know.

So what will I be working on instead? I have several small beginnings sitting around waiting for a kick in the paragraph. There is ‘Airport’, a story of a young woman coming to a small town as the ‘heir appearant’ for an aunt she never knew she had. Then there is ‘Truck Stop’, a story of a middle aged writer traveling across several states to a writer’s conference. Then there is ‘Idea 2’, the story of a B&D park ranger with a toy train collection (yes, it is bizarre). And of course there still is Long Lea, Scholarly Ways, and Look Left…. And let’s not forget the two year novel, Uhauls and Toaster Ovens.

I am thinking of working on either ‘Airport’ or ‘Idea 2’ (which needs a title). I will decide tomorrow and start to do some serious writing again. I need to get back into writing, back into the ease and flow that I had before I stopped to edit. Nasty thing, editing.

In Real Life I am still in New Jersey. Mom and I went to Denny’s for lunch and then went to JoAnn’s Fabric and Crafts and spent far too much time on our feet. I got a chair and a pattern for a dog pack.