Happy Birthday to Lorna!

Happy Birthday to Lorna indeed!

I won’t tell you her age, although I will say she is older than 52 and younger than 54. A cake was brought in for her at work (they all take turns making the cakes for whoever has the birthday) but of course I didn’t get any. Again. As usual.

We will be going out to veggie and drinkie on Saturday, not Friday but she doesn’t mind. I will take her out to dinner somewhere special tomorrow. Have no clue where though. Hmm. Reckon I ought to get to thinking about that.

I got very little new words although I am preparing Butch Girls for editing. I am using Inspiration to organize what has already been written and how I want scenes to happen now (many of them are changing order).

I am going to order some books in a few minutes. I’ve decided to go ahead and get Self Editing for Fiction Writers and Beginnings, Middles and Ends. I have How to Write and Sell Your First Novel checked out from the library. Figure I need to gird my loins with other people’s opinions. heh.

STILL looking for Beta Readers.