Ryan, Cho Dan

This afternoon, Ryan Johnson will recieve his first degree black belt in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, a Korean style martial arts. He will be 10 yrs old in May.

I got to see the test, which he passed despite getting a leg cramp and being pulled out for five minutes. Lorna is there today to see the ceremony where they get their certificates and the belt.

I love my nephew, more than he knows. The 700+ miles that separate us rips my heart every day. When I realize that the future of the world is in the hands of kids like Ryan, I can see hope.

Then there is Kelli, his sister. Kelli (‘that’s Kelli with an i’) is currently an orange belt (??) and will be eligible to test for her black belt in a year and a half. But we are thinking that will be too young for any child, since she is now only 5. Kelli has grown up watching Ryan do his thing so when she was ready to start, she was far ahead the other beginners. She and I got the chance to get to know each other when I was up there for a month last year. Then when I was there again a few weeks ago, it was as if we were old friends.

She about made me cry when, as her cousins were being told that ‘that would make her your aunt too’, she jumped in my lap and said, ‘No, she’s my Aunt Paula’.

Even if I had been heterosexual, I would have not had any kids. I have so many genetic disorders, there would have been no way I would have taken the risk of passing them on. I love kids and not having any of my own will be one of the very few things I will regret. We considered adoption a while back but well, not with the current laws about same gender couples. But then again, the thought of a littler Paula or Paul running around is kinda scary!

Anyway, Ryan and Kelli and their friends are our future. Let’s keep that in mind when we pay our county taxes. Let’s also keep in mind that in just a few years, Ryan could probably kick our asses while his sister does back-up.


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