BP and Drug Companies

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: New blood-pressure guidelines pay off – for drug companies

For years, doctors considered 120/80 to be ideal and anything under 140 to be OK. But a change took place in May 2003, when American doctors got new advice from a government-sanctioned medical panel called the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.

It’s enough to raise your blood pressure! I take Toprol, at a cost of $56 a month or about $1.25 a pill. I was once on another BP med for about 8yrs that rose in price from $0.50 a pill to over $2.


  1. Got to be a ploy by the pharms to get more folks on their stuff. I’m on Toprol myself last 4 or 5 yrs. Tried several different ones before settling on this one. Some just didn’t work, some worked but with sides like constipation, erectile disfunction (baddie, that one), peeing every 10 minutes, headaches, etc.

    Why do you think they call it “practicing” medicine? In every other discipline we learn in order to perform. Docs learn so they can practice – on us – as guinea pigs.

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