
In Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the book not the movie, they went to visit an insane man about something. This man lived on the beach in an inside out house. He says he is the only one sane in the world. He came to this conclusion after seeing the instructions on a box of toothpicks. Only an insane world would need instructions on how to use a toothpick.

And, along that line, only an insane person would say in public, then defend in public, what Tom Cruise has said recently. And, according to my online bud PODZ, so does the American Psychiatric Association. I don’t follow stardom news and the only way I knew about this was an article on My Way News site.

I have a book project in mind that deals with someone who is deeply depressed and/or insane. I touched on it briefly with BGCDA but not to the degree this other project might. How to present depression in a linear format is going to be interesting.