
Got 1333 words on a rewrite of sorts. It’s fun, writing again after all that dang editing.

The ideas are flowing well, although I had to stop a few times to figure out how to say something. I do so much better when I don’t stop to think. 😀


  1. I never noticed you stuttering before.
    I never noticed you stuttering before.
    In fact I’ve never seen anyone stutter an entire post! Look at it – that’s a funny word, stutter… Guess a stutter is one who stuts?

  2. Thou art like, you know, soooo weird.

    It’s not stuttering, it’s being forced to sometimes say things twice so that visitors like you can understand.

    Actually, I’m not sure what happened. Maybe my computer’s been without me.

    Oh, and I deleted the duplicate post.

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