bookmark_borderLest We Forget

Iran Publicly Hangs Two Gay Teenagers

Two unidentified gay teenagers were publicly executed in Iran this week for the crime of homosexuality. According to the London Times, the youths were executed in Edalat (Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad, in north-east Iran.

Iran enforces Islamic Sharia law, which dictates the death penalty for gay sex.

Both youths were identified only by their initials, M.A. and A.M. One teen was 18 years old and the other was under 18.

They admitted – likely under torture, London-based gay human rights group Outrage! suggests — to having gay sex but claimed in their defense that most young boys had sex with each other and that they were not aware that homosexuality was punishable by death.

According to the London Times, the teens were held in prison for 14 months and severely beaten prior to their execution.

(Full Story)

bookmark_borderBacking Up 1

No, not reverse, but backing up your work, database, hard drive, etcetera.

This is what I do, in terms of my backups, ie saving a copy of my WIP folder, my download folder, and other files I want to keep safe.

  1. I burn the folder onto a CD-R once a week.
  2. I upload the folder to the ‘net, using my FTP program to sync it, twice a month, more often if I have been busy
  3. I download it from the net to the desktop’s second hard drive, using the FTP program to sync it again, each time I upload from the laptop.

Burning the CD is easy enough. I just do the drag and drop, not a special program. My computer came with Roxio and another burning program but I gave up on them early on.

I use WS_FTP Pro as my FTP program. The program has a simple upload program available in the right click menu. I can upload files without opening the full program. It can only only upload to one folder at a time, but it can upload many files at once. I use this to upload images and important files I want to backup immediately. The sync part of the software is excellent. I can even save the instructions and just open it to automatically do the sync later.

The directory I upload my backups to is password protected. Even if I told you the name of the directory, you couldn’t view it unless you are a cracker.

My WIP file, the folder that holds umpteen other folders and files, has all of my writing documents in it. Currently it is 94.8MB, which includes 14 subfolders, ranging from half a meg to over 20M. So you can easily see how important that main folder is to me.

My download folder is where I drop all of my downloads, such as game demos, upgrades and the files from my mySQL database. It is just under a gigabyte in size, which is why I had to take it off my laptop and keep it in cyberspace.

I also upload all of my graphic files, again, taking them off my laptop which has ‘only’ a 20G hard drive. The WIP folder is the only one I keep complete on the laptop.

I was hesitant to put my stuff, especially my writings, on the ‘net. I am paranoid when it comes to the cyberspace. Everyone out there is just waiting to get their browser pointed toward that hidden directory, putting my information on the Republican watch list and… okay, where was I?

Yes, I was hesitant. But I did it. I also protected my assets by then crossing the room and downloading it again onto the desktop. This enables me to keep two copies of everything, one of which can be deleted with no regrets.

Why don’t I just use the home network to just transfer it? Because it is slower than molasses in winter. Yes, I know that I am moving the same data twice, which takes a while just because the universe is that way, but my short attention span likes the shorter response time.

More later so stay tuned.


I have written about 8 or so nonfiction articles for a newsletter-slash-magazine called EDSToday.

I was visiting the site to get some information when I noticed that the back issues are now available online as .pdf files! Now viewers can see the articles in their original two column format.

The files below are readable via Adobe Reader. (If you don’t know what that is, where have you been??!!) The links will open into a new window.

All the articles are also available online on my website, if you’d rather not dig through the PDF files to find my stuff. I don’t have the article for Issue 11 up yet though.

You can also see the listing of all the Service Dog column articles elsewhere on the EDSToday site.

I need to get another photo of Joella and I to send to the editor. The one she uses is like, four years old, maybe three.

bookmark_border“Advanced” Technology???

In the Darkover novels, by Marion Zimmer Bradley, a ship carrying the crew and a bunch of colonists crash on a planet after getting way off course. The ship has a huge computer database of not only how the ship works but also the stuff for the colonists ranging from how to plant corn to how to build a factory.

But the planet is severely lacking in natural resources, their chance of being found is nil, and there is no way they can maintain their level of technology. To keep from completely spoiling the books, the decision is made to destroy the computer set up. In one way, the colonists and crew are now saved from relying on technology they can never really use but they are also plunged into the most simple of civilizations. This all happens in the first book (chronologically): Landfall.

I have a WIP that runs along the same lines, minus the accidental getting lost and crashing bit but including massive database and colonists. There are two political and society parties – those who want the technology and those who say toss it. And its not just technology, but information of their past. The one group says they can get along without it and besides, technology is what got them into trouble the first time. The other group says that unless they keep it, they are bound to make the same mistakes.

On one side you have arcologists and communes and sustainability (which is mandatory for everyone) and careers ranging from biologists to farmer. On the other side you have networks and cyber cafes and digital libraries and careers ranging from computer geeks to historians to, well biologists and farmers.

This is the WIP I am doing the research (long live Wikipedia!!) for nanotechnology, symbiosis, political concepts and the societial impact of all of the above.

Which is why I am interested in these RFID tags. My bud Winston just had a post about this subject that reveals the reality of RFID implants into humans.

I like how he ends his post: Resist with all you have, for as long as you have it!

Whether you are for or against such technology, we all need to keep up to date on what ‘they’ are doing with them, why, and where.


No, I’m not going to ask my doctor about it, but then again…

FDA Approves New Treatment for Insomnia

WASHINGTON (AP) – The government approved a new treatment for insomnia on Friday, the first prescription sleep aid not designated as a controlled substance.

Called Rozerem, the drug works differently from its competitors.

Rozerem is chemically related to the natural hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle, and is thought to work by stimulating melatonin receptors in the brain, explained Dr. Robert Meyer of the Food and Drug Administration.

“It’s another option” for people with the main form of insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, Meyer said. “By working through a different pathway, it’s entirely possible that this might work for some people in ways that the other drugs do not.”

Nor do studies show any sign that Rozerem, known chemically as ramelteon, causes dependence, the reason it was not designated as a controlled substance.

(Full Story)

bookmark_borderBackup Week

While being WordPress based, there are still some good ideas in the article’s links and the information to come.

WordPress Backup Week

The links all deal with backing up your mySQL database using PHPMyAdmin. If you use one for your blog or for any other information organization, check out the tutorials.

I plan on listing ways to backup other files, such as how I do my projects and other files on my computer.

bookmark_borderGetting it Done

I got 2326 words in today on what I am now calling, BG3. That brings the WIP up to 9779 words total. I like where it is going, and I think it will finish itself. I was concerned there for a while that the plot line just wasn’t enough but I think it will work now.

I am hanging out in the FM chat room now, and I am certain that being around other writers is helping. I don’t have a job so I am here with the geriatric dogs all day. Being with other writers, even ones in cyber space, helps to put my brain in the right mode.

I learned some good things about dyslexia lately after asking on the FM boards. I am confident I can use it on a MC and do just fine.

FM, by the way, is Forward Motion, an online writers’ community. It has the chat room(s) and the forum as well as links, resources, and is the main outlet for the Vision newsletter (in which I have had two articles published).

I read Lorna some of my freewriting today and she loved most of it. It’s good when your partner likes your stuff, trust me!

bookmark_borderSoftware Updates

Several of the software I regularly use has had recent updates.

The browser, Firefox, and the email client, Thunderbird, both open source programs, have been released as version 1.0.6. Version 1.5 is scheduled for release in September., an office suite that is also open source, has released a somewhat stable new version as a pre-cursor to the upcoming 2.0. This version, 1.1.5, is not a ‘snapshot build’ but rather what they call a ‘release candidate’. A snapshot build is good to use if you want to help them work out the kinks. Typically, I use the latest snapshot. I decided to give the 1.1.5 version a try this time.

Winamp, while not open source, is a good non-MS audio program capable of burning and ripping (which is a good thing in this context!) They’ve just released Winamp 5.

bookmark_borderToday’s Progress

Got some words in today. I cut a scene I’d written earlier today; it just didn’t seem to fit. It was out of character for the one chick.

The two MC’s (main characters) have just sat down to have coffee. They’ve just experienced something that has them both on odd footing. I need them to begin crossing that line between ‘hello, my name is…’ and go toward ‘hey, let’s date’.

Why am I writing another romance? Why aren’t I doing the rewrite for Lea and Sarah?

I dunno. I really don’t. Well, maybe. I guess a part of me is thinking that if the publisher likes the first Butch Girls, they may want more. I’d like to have them sitting there about ready to go.

But Harri and Liz (the two aforementioned MCs) are kinda boring/bored. Ellen and Nikki need to move on too so I might be switching between the two WIPs. Then there is Rain and UnNamedAsOfYet (she was named Jenny in the first one but I don’t like it. Too many –ee sounding names). Kelly and Grace are finished and happily enjoying a honeymoon in their new house. They’re looking forward to going to Robin’s in September. Then there is Kaye and Annette, the matriarchs who are demanding their story be told. So that is five in the Butch Girl ‘series’.

I wrote the first one in a month, during NaNo. I edited it from 1/05 to 7/05. Perhaps I need to make myself write the next one in a month as well.

But then there are Sarah and Lea…waiting…patiently…with a big goddess behind them…tapping her diety sized foot…should I be scared?

bookmark_borderPhysical Therapy

I started a new (for me) style of PT this week. It’s called Feldenkrais Movement. It is really easy, actually. All I do is lay there, listen to a tape, doing what it tells me to do. The movements, so far, have only been an inch or two at a time.

I collected some links, in case anyone is interested:

My PTist has been mentioning it ever since I started there several years ago. We are now at the point where it may actually work for me. We have started with the pelvic movement (which are rather, um, interesting) and next week will move up to the lower back.

Oh, and if anyone is curious, I have Hypermobility type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.