Write On

pathway: went to Winston’s site and read a post of his that talked about Ambivablog

Okay, now that we all know how I got there, go there yourself.

But the reason I mention it is one post in particular.

Being (Far) Right Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

As I read the post, I kept nodding and saying ‘amen sister’. I like this woman, I really do.

Have you ever wondered why, in conservative eyes, Rush Limbaugh is not a junkie, and Bill Bennett doesn’t have a gambling problem, and Newt Gingrich’s marital betrayals bore not even the faintest resemblance to Bill Clinton’s?

It is true you know. I think the biggest difference between the alleged right and left is one is ‘save-able’ and one is not. I am going to hell for being a homosexual (condemned by the 7 verses in the entire Bible that mentions it) but Newt’s not going to hell for his adultery (there are many many many verses in the Bible that condemns it).

There are other correlations as well, such as Clinton was attacked for never joining the military yet GW Shrub’s military record is “misplaced”.

I could go on and on but let’s not. Don’t want to get my blood pressure up, ya know?

Another reason that I like this chickadee is that she knows about and praises Feldenkrais, a method of physical therapy currently being attempted on me.

Yet another reason I like her is that she is a writer too.


  1. Yeah, that “chickadee” is good! You may already know this, but best as I can tell, she is Annie Gottlieb. Amazing the folks ya run into out here on Planet Blog.

  2. Oh, and btw, take a look now at what I’ve done to the Kubrick default. Now if I can just find where to change those dreaded blue fonts to burgundy or something…

  3. Meant to say it over there, but I hate the Kubriks. I dislike the ‘widecolumn’ and ‘narrowcolumn’ format. They are difficult to make accessible for some dumbass reason.

  4. Yeah, I’m beginning to see that. Plus they insist on using the xem relative font sizes rather than absolute font size like the rest of the world. Oh, well, seems like every theme I’ve liked and tried has had some glitch with it. Wish there was a simple WP theme that had the look, feel and functionality of the basic one used by blogger, as at http://aqspace.blogspot.com/

  5. Yeah, been there, done that. Multiple times, many hours. Have downloaded and uploaded, modified and uploaded again, many different ones. Seems all have something wrong with them. Dont render right in Firefox. Or IE. Comments dont wokr right. Colors wrong or graphics pukey, whatever…

    Guess I shouldn’t be so picky. Just want it to be pleasant and appealing enough to not drive folks away screaming.

    Actually I’m fairly happy with the moded default I have up now. At least I’m not totally distracted by the look and feel, and can get on with the writing. Will continue to tweak a few things here and there as time permits.

    Have you ever looked at the code for the Kubrick based default? I want to change the blue font color EVERYWHERE to something else, probably a burgundy. After changing everything I can find to change, they are still blue! Yeah, I know, I can go spend a few more precious hours at the WP forums and get the answers. I know it is simple – I’ve done it with several other themes – but this one is different, to say the least.

    Sorry, didnt know this would turn out so long or I would have put it in email…

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