Writer Writing

I have actually managed to get some writing done this weekend. Not much, not even 2K, but hey, it is good words.

I found the conflict I was needing for BG2b. And what a good conflict it is! Bad Chick from The Past. Always good for tension. It will only last a few chapters, but the ripples from it will last for perhaps the rest of the book. Trust is a horrible thing to break, ya know?

Oh, and I sent the manuscript off to Robin Smith. It will be a while before I get it back, but that is okay with me. I need to get BG2b done anyway before I start again on BG1.

The thing that is making me wonder is: I was really apprehensive about sending it out. It’s not like Robin is going to see it published or she’s an agent. But still, sealing that box was hard! If I was this weirded out now, what will I be like when I send it off to an agent or to a publisher??!! 😯 I didn’t think I would be like this.