Day 21

I am working on the pivot point in the WIP. The first half leads up to this, the second half carries it through. Okay, so it is not really half and half but it is in my head.

I am walking a thin line here. I need to keep Sarah as a ‘common folk’ yet be special. I need Lea to be ‘goddess chosen’ yet be human still.

We are all several people at once. I am daughter, sister, lover, friend – just to name a few. Each one of my roles is not only different in itself, but how I act/react is different. One could say that my energy patterns change. In one role I may be polite and semi-decent. In another, I may be rude and obnoxious. (you figure out which one is which)

Where Sarah and her friend K. is in the WIP, they are learning about energy patterns. How every has energy including plants and rocks. In having Sarah learn this, she is leaning further away from ‘common folk’ to being special, gifted. I don’t want her to be gifted. Her strongest part is her Self, that part of that remains when all the roles–and their energy patterns–are removed. There is a saying, and I am sure I don’t have the words right, but there is a saying that your true self is who you are when you think no one is watching.

In today’s writing, I got 1220 words done. Not nearly as much as I wanted, but I had to do a lot of get up and walk away moves today. Dang, I even had to think! I hate it when that happens.