Emergency Preparedness – NOT

Lorna and I were faced today with the reality that we dropped the ball.

We don’t have all of our winter gear set aside. We aren’t ready for a winter storm. However, we are going to get one tonight and tomorrow. It could stay up higher, it could stay along the state line. And it could hit us hard with wet heavy snow. That means down trees and no power.

Our 4×4 truck is still waiting to be repaired from the accident a freakin’ month ago.

Lorna’s ‘new’ Suburu is not AWD.

We are low on dog and cat food.

We are low on groceries.

And we have no pellets.

Our heat source is a pellet stove, meaning it burns little pieces of wood fed into the pot by an auger. This auger is electric powered but it is easy enough to open the door and toss a handful in. Seems as though the nation decided that propane and natural gas was going to be too costly and the sale of pellet stoves, and therefore pellets, exceeded the supply. We may get some Wednesday.

In the meantime, we are financially strapped and I do NOT want to see the electric bill for this month. We are running two little heaters to keep the house warm. Ha. Our house is rather drafty, to say the least.

Lorna had to have an emergency alternator-ectomy today out on the mail route to the tune of just over $200.


  1. Sorry things are going badly. Sounds almost like life around here…

    I didn’t know Subaru ever made a vehicle that was not AWD. Or did I miss something along the way?

    If I see any stray pellets running around middle Tennessee, will chase them down and bag them for you.

  2. We didn’t think they did either! This poor thing is a ’91 so perhaps way back then they forgot their manners.

    Yeah, “when it rains it pours”; “if it ain’t one thing, it’s another”; “it it weren’t for bad luck, we’d have no luck at all”. (gloom, dispair and agony on me)

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