Drama Queen

No, I’m not one, but I play one on my blog.

I’ve not bitched much lately, and, while that doesn’t bother me too much, it does leave some backed up bile that needs to be vented.

Our alleged President is a moron. Not a surprise there. One day outing a CIA agent is not a big deal, the next day outing Shrub’s illegal national spy program is. Treason is treason, no matter how pretty you dress it up. How many more years have we got on his warranty?

I don’t understand why my brother follows the Cowboys. Since he is my brother and I love him, I tease him about this mercilessly. (yeah, weird logic, but it works for me) One of these days he needs to explain some of the NFL rules. Like, one game a guy dived for the end zone but the football touched the pylon while he was in the air and that means instead of him scoring 6 points for his team, he scored five for the other team. And why are some penalties accepted and other declined and who really cares?

Spam. I hate spam. At least the unsolicited email spam. Then there is comment spam and trackback spam. I used to not understand all this but now I do. The way it works is this: if someone clicks the link, the spammer gets paid by the advertiser. It doesn’t matter if the idiot that clicked the link buys anything or not, money will exchange hands. And while it is not much money per click, it can add up when someone sends out 10K + spam emails a day. There is an article over at Wired.com that explains the “click” thing works and how it is going to kill on-line adverts.

Some dumbass teenager runs off to Iraq of all places. Then our tax dollars go to sending his stupid dumbass self home. Sure, I’m kinda glad that stupid dumbass wasn’t in a body bag, but that doesn’t mean I’m glad he’s home. There are things that we all do that are stupid, idiotic, and dangerous all at the same time. But even all of my youthful antics don’t add up to this moron. See, his journalism class discussed a writing technique known as ‘immersion’. That means if I want to write about Native Americans, I would move to a reservation and live as one so that I could write from their perspective, as best I can. This brat, who is first generation American of Iraqi parents, decides he needs to immerse himself in his heritage. Now, I have no problem with that. I think that kids need to experience things in order to understand them. But, when that heritage is a war zone, common sense should kick in. This brat obviously doesn’t have any. Nor does he have any pre-planning skills.

Oh, and back to football. There are a LOT of openings for head coaches in the NFL. The Packers dropped Sherman (a stupid move); the Rams dropped Martz (who??); the Saints dropped Haslett (like, Katrina was his fault??); the Texans dropped Capers (no surprise); the Vikings fired Tice (what an embarrassing year all around for that team, eh?); Edwards may be going over to the Chiefs to replace the retired Vermeil; and let’s not forget Mariucci who was fired by the Lions way back in November.

Ah, there, a little better.