Writer’s Block

Once again Sophia gave me fodder for bloggage. She points her readers to an article by Elizabeth Moon about writers’ block: Help! I can’t write! or How to Identify the Dread Writer’s Block and Its Relatives

My aging eyes found it hard to read though. It is blue print on a white screen. I don’t do bright very well. Anyway, what I did read seemed to be written well enough to follow along. Writers can never receive nor give too much advice.


  1. Hey there! Nice to see you back on-line. I’ll look out for you on Trillian tonight if you fancy some writing company.

  2. I keep having things going on. It’s like I’ve won the “Adventure A Day” prize.

    How you doing? How’s M?

  3. I keep an eye out for you on Trillian but never see you anymore. And you do realize you could always copy the text, paste it into word, and make it whatever size/color is comfortable for you to read? Just checking. =)

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