
I’m not often sick. Despite my disabilities, I have a strong constitution.

It started Wednesday night and has continued since then. Friday I spiked a temp of 102.7 which scared poor Lorna. She was off from work Friday which meant she was able to take care of me as the day went on and I got worse. We went to the doc Saturday (where I managed to nearly pass out). I more than likely have something another called diverticulitis. It’s rather gross and not something to be described even in an ‘everything-goes’ kind of blog.

I’m tired and nauseous, on mega antibiotics, and having to drink lots and lots of water. The only good news in all this is that I managed to lose 6 lbs in just over a week. I’ve not had much to eat since Thursday morning. I’ve had some fruit, crackers, jello and broth but it all just goes right through me.

At any rate, Jane finished the edits of BGCFA and now I have to go through it, merge chapters, and check over various other stuff. But when I emailed her to tell her I would be late with it, she told me to not go near it until I am at least not loopy from meds and fever.

Mayo Clinic


  1. Well, welcome to the club. It’s the disease-a-year plan as we age. I developed DD (diverticular disease) for my birthday, I think, when I turned 60. What a great gift. Managed to stay healthy through the ordeal in Ohio this summer, but came down with an attack as soon as I got back home, about the same time you got sick. Ran to the urgent care. The doctor gave me an Rx that caused the “back door trots”. Imagine that! Bah!

  2. So far, the only Rx has been the antibiotic (ciprosomething).

    I was supposed to see my doc yesterday but it had to be rescheduled. Now I have to wait another week or so to find out what happens next.

  3. Yes, Cipro is what they usually give–when they’ll admit there’s something they can do short of yanking out your intestines. I was on Cipro for a week, but the pain reduced only gradually. What the docs really want you to do is get a full colonoscopy so they can see how extensive the condition is. It’s a good idea, if you can manage it. I found a website of endoscopic photos of the problem, and it made me think there might be some treatment for minor cases less radical than vivisection.

  4. Lorna’s had a colonoscopy. They knock her out for them which would be the only way they’d get me to consent. I don’t see my doc until the 6th I think. In the meantime, all that really hurts is my bladder and left side. Today I feel much better though and hope to get the edits finished later.

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