Upgrade For the Toaster Oven

Nearly soaked my keyboard. Again.

From Fake Gay News:

Toaster Ovens Replaced by Newer Gadgets in Effort to Boost Lesbian Enrollment
by Mary Martin 08/22/2006

DALLAS, TX – The marketing material for new website www.tiredoftoasterovens.com says it all: “Do you regularly recruit women into the lesbian community? Are you tired of being rewarded with a lousy toaster oven for your efforts? Do you have an Internet connection? Then Tired of Toaster Ovens is here for you!”

Tired of Toaster Ovens is a new online store that features a wide variety of prizes for lesbians who recruit. The store was created after complaints from more technology-savvy lesbians, who were disappointed in receiving a toaster oven instead of something more contemporary.

“A toaster oven, for real? What about an IPod or a Blackberry? Now those are things I can really use,” said Tammy, a 22-year-old lesbian from New York.

link to full article