NaNo Word Count Meters

The php code is courtesy of danguyf who has done a marvelous job of making this one (and others) available.

Once November 1 rolls around, the word count data will start functioning. For now, though, ain’t it cool? I will probably put it in the sidebar or use the more horizontal graphic rather than this one with the image. I dunno.

If you have questions about the code and stuff, check out the thread at the NaNoWriMo forum.

There are other meters and I list some of them on the Progress Meter page. The Writertopia site seems to be down though so none of their images are showing up. (they had the cool potato man images)

Speaking of wordcounts, I got diddly-squat done today. I wrote another +2K yesterday though. The laptop sits too far away and my eyes are getting tired much sooner than I am.